Time for a decisive war against those supporting terrorism: PM Modi

Zee Media Bureau Sep 23, 2019, 00:37 AM IST,

PM Narendra Modi and US President Donald Trump on Sunday addressed around 50,000 Indian-Americans at NRG stadium in US` Houston. The organisers of the `Howdy, Modi` event - the Texas India Forum - have billed it as the largest-ever gathering for a foreign elected leader on the US soil.

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  • Mr President Trump, I want you to come to India, with your family. Our friendship will take our shared dreams and our vibrant future to new heights: PM Modi as he concludes his address in NGR Stadium in US' Houston.

  • PM Modi concludes his speech amid a huge round of applause from Indian-Americans at NGR Stadium in Houston.

  • We are investing Rs 100 lakh crore on public infrastructure. In the last five years, the world, amidst all uncertainties, India's growth rate has been 7.5%. This is the best average of any govt in India's entire history: PM Modi.

  • Now, India will soon become a USD 5 trillion economy, says PM Modi.

  • India has started preparing and working to become a $5 Trillion economy. We are working on bettering infrastructure, investment & export. We are building a people-friendly, development-friendly and investment-friendly atmosphere in India: PM Modi

  • India, today, isn't postponing challenges, it is fighting it head-on. India isn't working on small incremental changes, but on complete solutions. We are realizing the impossible: PM Modi.

  • 9/11 in the US or the Mumbai attacks in India, the brainchild is always found in the same place. It is high time we fight a decisive battle against the perpetrators and supporters of terrorism: PM Modi.

  • Some people, who can't control their country, are having problems with what is going on in India. Their politics is hatred towards India and cultivate terrorism. You and the entire world knows who they are: PM Modi says in an apparent jibe at Pakistan.

  • I request you to give a standing ovation to the lawmakers of India, urges PM Modi.

  • Now, according to the Constitution of India the rights which are given to the rest of the Indians, those rights have now been given to the people of Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh. Discrimination against women, children, and Dalits has been put to an end there: PM Modi.

  • We are building a transparent ecosystem to ensure the benefits of progress reaches every Indian. We don't want any Indian to stay away from progress and development: PM Modi.

  • We have also eliminated over 8 crore fake names, that had only existed on paper and were earning the government's benefits. We have saved about 1.5 lakh crore money by just this elimination: PM Modi.

  • We are also challenging corruption. We are giving it farewell at different levels already. In the last 2-3 years, India has bid goodbye to over 3.5 lakh suspicious companies: PM Modi.

  • India bid farewell to 70-year-old Article 370 which had deprived the people of Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh of the benefits of development, says PM Modi in Houston.

  • India has already bid farewell to over 1,500 redundant laws in the last five years. The complicated tax network has been diluted and GST has been introduced. We have made the One Nation, One Tax dream come true: PM Modi.

  • We have given equal priority to welfare and farewell. On the 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi on this October 2, India will bid goodbye to open defecation: PM Modi.

  • Filing tax returns and tax returns were a headache at one point in time. This year, on August 31, five million people have filed their income tax return online. The tax refunds that took months are now getting transferred to the bank accounts in a matter of days: PM Modi.

  • There are about 10,000 services from Central and State Govts online. It took months, in the past, to make a passport. These days, it just takes a few days: PM Modi.

  • It is often said that data is the new oil. I would like to add that data is the new gold. Industry 4.0 focuses only on data. India provides data at the cheapest rate in the entire world: PM Modi.

  • Ease of Doing Business and Ease of Living is equally important to us. Employment is key to this. The economic development will be swift if the country's youth has employment: PM Modi.

  • We have built 2 lakh km roads in rural India in just five years. In India, less than 50% of people had bank accounts. We have opened new bank accounts for 370 million people in just five years: PM Modi.

  • Today, India's most popular word is - Development, the biggest mantra - Sabka Saath - Sabka Vikas, India's biggest policy - Public participation, India's most popular slogan - Accomplishment with resolve and India's biggest resolve - New India: PM Modi.

  • Today, almost 100% of Indian families are connected to banking, says PM Modi.

  • In the last five years, 130 crore Indians have achieved things which on one could have even imagined, says PM 

    Today, rural sanitation is at 99%. Cooking gas connections used to be 55%, within 5 years, we have brought it to 95%: PM Modi.

  • In seven decades, the country's rural sanitation was at 38%. In the last five years, we made 11 crore toilets. Today, rural sanitation stands at 99%, says PM Modi.

  • The formation of New India is India's biggest oath at the moment. The nation is working very hard to realize the dream. We are competing with ourselves, challenging ourselves and changing ourselves: PM Modi.

  • Today, India wants to grow at a faster speed than ever before. It is challenging the people who think nothing is going to change, ever. In the last 5 years, 130 crore Indians have brought unprecedented results in different sectors: PM Modi

  • Today India is challenging the mindset of some people who believe that - nothing can change, says PM Modi.

  • The 2019 Lok Sabha elections waved the flag of Indian democracy throughout the world. 61 crore people participated in it. This is approximately double the total population of the US: PM Modi

  • India is not in competition with any country. It is competing with itself. We are aiming high, and he achieve higher, says PM Modi.

  • This is a great salute to 1.3 billion Indians, says PM 

  • President Trump coming here, different representatives - Democrats and Republicans - and saying so much for me, wishing me it is the salute of Indians living in US, says PM

  • After six decades, a party was successful in forming the government with full majority. We came back for the second term with more number of seats than the last time, says PM Modi.

    This was possible not because of Modi, but you all Indians, adds PM.

  • Our languages are a great representation of our liberal and democratic society. For centuries, thousands of languages have peacefully co-existed in India: PM Modi

  • Everything is good in India, says PM Modi. He goes on to repeat the same in different languages of India, resonating the rich diversity and culture of India.

  • I welcome all of you on behalf of every Indian with my heartiest wishes. I was told that a lot of people registered for this event, but due to space crunch, a lot of people could not make it. I apologise to everyone who could not make it to the event: PM Modi

  • The event's name is Howdy, Modi. But I am nothing without the 1.3 billion people of India. I am an ordinary man acting on their mandate, says PM Modi.

  • I thank the organisers of the event for helming an event at such a gigantic scale, says PM Modi.

  • PM Modi starts his speech this time in Hindi by saying "Howdy, my friends".

  • This scene, this atmosphere, this is unimaginable. When it comes to Texas, everything is grand and big. It's in Texas' fabric. The spirit of Texas is being reflected here: PM Modi.

  • Today, we honour all of the brave American and Indian military service members who work together to safeguard our freedom. We are committed to protecting innocent civilians from the threat of radical Islamic terrorism, says Donald Trump at Howdy, Modi event.

  • Very soon India will have to access to another world-class American product-NBA basketball. Wow, sounds good. Next week thousands in Mumbai will watch the first-ever NBA game in India..am I invited Mr Prime Minister? I may come, be careful I may come, says President Trump.

  • We are committed to ensuring Indians have access to the world's best products, says Trump.

  • We will save the world from extreme Islamic terrorist outfits spread across the globe, says President Trump.

  • Look forward to working with you to make our nations more prosperous than ever, says Trump. India has never invested in the US like it is doing today, says Prez Trump 

  • "Indian Americans, you enrich our culture, you uplift our values, we are proud to have as Americans," Trump says.

  • Indian steel manufacturing companies will enter Ohio soon. Together with Modi, we will make America stronger than ever, says Trump.

  • My administration fights for you every day," says Donald Trump.

  • PM Modi is doing some fantastic work in India, says Trump.

  • As a result of PM Modi's pro-growth policies, India has lifted nearly 300 million out of poverty, and that is an incredible number, says Donald Trump.

  • Mr President, you had introduced me to your family in 2017. Today, I have the honor to introduce you to my family (the people): PM Modi

  • PM Modi is America's best friend, I am fortunate to be sharing the stage with him, says President Trump as he addresses the Indian diaspora.

  • We are witnessing the making of History, says PM Modi as he hands over the stage to President Donald Trump.

  • We in India connected well with President Trump and with the words of candidate Trump, 'Ab ki baar Trump sarkar', rang loud and clear, says PM Modi.

  • In these years, our two nations have taken the relationship to new heights. Mr. President, this morning in Houston, you can here, the heartbeat of this great partnership of the celebration of the world's two largest democracies: PM Modi

  • He has already made the American economy strong again. He has achieved much for the US and for the world. We, in India, have connected well with President Trump: PM Modi.

  • As I told you, we've met a few times, and he has always been friendly, energetic and accessible. I admire him for his sense of leadership, a passion for America, a concern for every American and a strong resolve to make America great again: PM Modi heaps praises on Donald Trump.

  • Today, he's here with us. It is my honor and privilege to welcome him here in this magnificent stadium and gathering. I can say that I've had a chance to meet him often. Every time, I found the friendliness, warmth, energy in the President Mr. Donald Trump: PM Modi

  • Mr President Trump was popular even before becoming the president od US-- from New Jersey to New Delhi, says PM Modi.

  • We have a very special person with us, says PM Modi

    "He has left a deep and lasting impact everywhere," said PM Modi referring to Donald Trump.

  • Friends, we in India have connected with President Trump with words, "Abki baar Trump Sarkaar." says PM Modi

  • Friends, this morning, we have a very special person with us. He needs no introduction. His name is familiar to every person on the planet. His name comes up in almost every conversation in the world on global politics: PM Modi

  • Prime Minister Narendra Modi addresses 50,000 Indian-Americans at NRG stadium.

  • Prime Minister Narendra Modi and US President Donald Trump meet at NRG Stadium in Houston.

  • US President Donald Trump arrives at NRG Stadium in United States' Houston. He is being welcomed by Indian and American officials.

  • A man came dressed up as Mahatma Gandhi at the Howdy, Modi event and says,'' Modi aur Gandhi ek hi hain, these are saints, fakirs. Gandhi was a fakir, same nature exactly. Welcome Modi to the town here.''

  • A fusion of 'Amazing Grace' and Mahatma Gandhi's 'Vaishnava Janato' is being performed at NRG stadium, to celebrate the 150th birth anniversary of MK Gandhi on October 2.

  • PM Modi and US President Donald Trump will shortly share the stage at NRG Stadium in Houston.

  • House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer says, "India, like America, is proud of its traditions to secure a future according to Mahatama Gandhi's teachings and Jawaharlal Nehru's vision of India as a secular democracy where respect for pluralism and human rights safeguard every individual."

  • PM Modi goes backstage with the US delegation. He will be addressing the Indian diaspora shortly.

  • Thank you Houston for such amazing affection! reads a tweet from Prime Minister's Office official Twitter handle.

  • The Mayor of Houston Sylvester Turner presents the Key to the City to PM Narendra Modi as the mark of respect, solidarity and long-standing India-Houston relationship.

  • Prime Minister Narendra Modi arrives on stage at NRG Stadium with US Congressional delegation, he will speak at the event shortly.

  • Junior US Senator for Texas, Ted Cruz addresses the Indian-Americans at NRG Stadium in Houston. He says, "India is largest democracy on the face of earth and America is proud to be your friend. Today is also a celebration of the Indian-American community in USA including in Texas. We say thank you to you for your incredible contributions."

  • United States Congressional delegation arrives on stage at the  Howdy, Modi event in Houston.

  • Mayor of Houston welcomes American dignitaries on the stage at NRG stadium.

  • Mayor of Houston, Sylvester Turner addresses the crowd at NRG stadium in Houston.

  • An enticing dance step duel is unfolding at NRG stadium in Houston. Watch--

  • A mesmerising fusion of rhythm unravels, taal and strings when East meets West!

  • "Look forward to being with our great India loving community!" says US President Donald Trump ahead of his visit to Howdy, Modi event.

  • A plethora of performances by outstanding artists ordains the stage at NRG stadium.

  • PM Modi takes to Twitter to respond to President Donald Trump's message. "It surely will be a great day! Looking forward to meeting you very soon," says PM Modi.

  • Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Howdy, Modi event says, "Do watch Prime Minister Shri @narendramodi ji’s address at ‘Howdy Modi’, a historic community summit in Houston, Texas, USA tonight from 8.30 pm onwards."

  • Will be in Houston to be with my friend. Will be a great day in Texas!, tweets US President Donald Trump ahead of his arrival at the Howdy, Modi event where he will share the stage with PM Modi.

  • The crowd waits for PM Modi's arrival at NRG stadium with bated breath.

  • After Garba and bhangra performance at the  Howdy Modi cultural programme, which is a visual spectacle.

  • Howdy, Modi event kicks off with a Sikh Gurbani prayer from the Kirtan singers of the Guru Nanak Society of Greater Cincinnati.

  • Dancers performing at Howdy, Modi event in Houston, where PM Modi and President Trump will arrive shortly.

  • Enthusiasm and energy grips thousands present at NRG stadium. The crowd is chanting national song 'Vande Mataram' inside the stadium as they wait.

  • Complete Schedule of Howdy, Modi: The event in Houston is set to begin shortly. Here is the full schedule.

    - 9:20 pm: President Trump and Prime Minister Narendra Modi will walk to the stage.
    - 9:20-9:30 pm: Houston Mayor will welcome PM Modi and President Trump.
    - 9.39 -10:09 pm: President Trump will speak at Howdy Modi.
    - 10:15 pm onwards: PM Modi will speak at Howdy Modi event.

  • Indian diaspora sporting 'Howdy, Modi t-shirts inside the NRG stadium. Crowd chant 'Modi, Modi', as they wait for PM Modi  to arrive at the venue.

  • United States Senator for Texas, John Cornyn arrives at NRG stadium. Thousands are waiting for PM Modi's arrival.

  • The energy in the stadium is palpable as the crowd awaits Prime Minister Modi’s address, says Texas India Forum-- the organising committee. 

  • Drums are being played at NRG stadium in Houston, Texas, where PM Modi will address the Indian diaspora shortly.

  • People have started to gather outside NRG Stadium in Houston, Texas, to attend  Howdy Modi event. One of the attendees says, ''We are excited to see Modi, expect to hear from him, and get words of wisdom from him because he is an inspiration for the country and people around the globe.''

  • The NRG Stadium is packed with a huge audience waiting for PM Modi and US President Trump. The Howdy Modi event is expected to begin any moments from now. 

  • US President Donald Trump will also join PM Narendra Modi on stage at the event in US' Houston. It is likely that he will also deliver a major  30-minute speech addressing the Indian diaspora.

  • The stage is set at Houston in US for Prime Minister Narendra Modi's address for the mega 'Howdy, Modi' rally, where he will address around 50,000 Indian-Americans at NRG Football stadium at 8:30 pm (IST) on Sunday.

HOUSTON:  PM Narendra Modi and US President Donald Trump on Sunday addressed around 50,000 Indian-Americans at NRG stadium in US' Houston. The organisers of the 'Howdy, Modi' event - the Texas India Forum - have billed it as the largest-ever gathering for a foreign elected leader on the US soil.


PM Narendra Modi reached Houston on Saturday for the seven-day long visit to the US, packed with several bilateral and multilateral meetings. The Prime Minister, who will hold several bilateral meetings and address the United Nations General Assembly, started the day with a round-table of US-based energy companies.

Shortly after landing here, PM Modi met the top CEOs of the energy sector in the US with a focus on working together for energy security and expanding mutual investment opportunities between India and the US. The PM also met members of the Sikh community who handed him a memorandum. Further, PM Modi also met a delegation of Kashmiri Pandits, who voiced support for the "steps being taken" in India.

During his visit, PM Modi will be honoured with the prestigious ‘Global Goalkeeper Award’ 2019 by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation for his dynamic leadership and commitment to the Swachch Bharat Abhiyaan.

The Howdy, Modi event will begin 8:30 PM (Indian Standard Time) and continue until 11:30 PM on Sunday. Later, PM Modi would attend a community reception at the NRG Centre after a luncheon meeting with the elected officials of NRG.

PM Modi will also unveil a plaque for a ceremony at the Eternal Gandhi Museum besides inaugurating the Gujarat Samaj of Houston Event Centre and the Siddhi Vinayak Temple in Houston. He will emplane for New York around 3 AM (IST) and arrive at the JFK International Airport around 4.45 AM (IST).

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Here are the highlights of Howdy, Modi event:-


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