The Jammu and Kashmir Police arrested three terrorist associates of the Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) outfit in the Kulgam district of South Kashmir. With this, the J&K police foiled a major terror attack in the valley. It's notable that in the past few months, terrorists have been carrying ambush attack on army vehicles. The seized weapons indicate towards another such planned attack. 


In a statement, the Kulgam police said that during the investigation of case of the UAPA, police from Qaimoh station, along with the Army (1RR, 1 Para(SF)) and CRPF (18 BN), apprehended three terrorist associates.

The individuals were identified by the police as Ubaid Khursheed Khanday, Maqsood Ahmad Bhat and Umer Bashir. All three are residents of Thokerpora Qaimoh, Kulgam.

The police recovered 2 AK-series rifles, 8 AK-series magazines, 217 AK rounds, 5 hand grenades, and 2 magazine pouches from their possession.

A senior police officer stated that the arrested terrorist associates were in close contact with active terrorists of the banned outfit LeT/TRF and were planning to carry out major terrorist activities in the Kulgam district. Their timely arrest has successfully averted a major tragedy.