The decision to increase grant for cows given to Gaushalas by the Madhya Pradesh government has led to political bickering over the issue. Madhya Pradesh CM Mohan Yadav recently announced to increase grant of Rs 20 per cow to Rs 40 with immediate effect but the decision attracted sharp criticism from the Congress. The political uproar took place after the decision to increase the cow grant and make grazing area encroachment-free. 

Congress Slams BJP


Congress slammed the ruling BJP for doing politics in the name of cow and looking to garner religious votes in the coming election. "There is no provision in the budget for the same. Cows are dying in the Gaushalas but the BJP is claiming encroachment. The BJP is doing politics in the name of cow," said Congress.  

BJP Terms Congress 'Cow Land Grabber'

The BJP hit back at the Congress over the issue. The BJP accused the Congress of grabbing lands allotted for cow grazing and construction of gaushals. The BJP said that if the government has increased grant, then why it's troubling the Congress. 

Mohan Yadav's Poll Move?

Chief Minister Mohan Yadav announced the decision while addressing a workshop convened to discuss the improved management of state-operated Gaushalas (cowsheds). He also announced that the next one year from the first day of the Chaitra Navratri (April 9) will be observed as Gauraksha year (cow safety year).  The CM also ordered the completion of all ongoing construction projects for cowsheds to ensure adequate accommodation for stray cows.