New Delhi: More than 100 people on Monday (March 30, 2020) have been taken to various hospitals in Delhi for coronavirus test after fear of COVID-19 virus being spread in Markaz of Tableeghi Jamaat in Nizamuddin, Delhi. 


The COVID-19 fear spread amongst the people after a person from Tamil Nadu who stayed at the Markaz with these people has died due to coronavirus.
His death led to seize the entire area. 

The Islamic Markaz of Tabligi Jamaat is famous for large number of gathering of devotees who come here for the Jamaat (religious gathering). 

There were about 1,400 people including 300 foreigners suspicioned with coronavirus symptoms who came here for the Jamaat.

Over 200 people have already been evacuated. 

Around 105 people have been admitted in LNJP Hospital. 300 more suspected COVID-19 people will be brought by Monday night to have their coronavirus tests.

The Delhi government said in a statement, "Lockdown was imposed in entire India on March 24 and it was the duty of every owner and administrator of every hotel, guesthouse, hostel and similar establishment to maintain social distancing. It looks like social distancing and quarantine protocols was not practiced here."

They added, "Now it has come to our knowledge that the administrators violated these conditions and several cases of corona positive patients have been found here. Strong action would be taken against those in charge of this establishment. By this gross act of negligence many lives have been endangered. It was the responsibility of every citizen to proactively avoid such gathering of people during the lockdown and this is nothing but a criminal act."

"After the centre informed us about the first positive patient and requested assistance we moved all symptomatic patients to our medical facilities and as a safety precaution all non symptomatic contacts have been moved to the quarantine centres," added Delhi government.

The total number of COVID-19 cases in India has risen to 1,071 with 29 deaths as on Monday morning.