New Delhi: A one-year-old kid was kidnapped in Ranchi, Jharkhand after a man and woman convinced the toddler's mother that famous cricketer Mahendra Singh Dhoni was distributing money to people in the city. In a surprising incident on October 24, the mother with her two children was shopping at a stall in Ranchi when she was approached by a man and a woman on a bike. The unidentified accused told the woman that Dhoni was giving away money to needy people. Knowing that the woman asked the bike-borne people if they could take her to the place where the cricketer was distributing funds.


The accused obliged and took the woman and her one-and-a-half-year-old daughter with them, while her eight-year-old daughter was left behind at the food stall. However, upon arriving at the electricity office in Harmu, the bikers asked the woman to get off the vehicle and suggested she "take a look around the area." They started talking to her, and while she was distracted by the idea of getting money from a famous cricket player, they quickly rode off with her daughter on a bike.

Media reports suggest that the police have identified discrepancies in the woman's statements. At first, she said the kidnappers mentioned a government program for the underprivileged, but later she altered her account to claim they referred to Dhoni's name. However, the woman has filed a complaint with the police and an investigation in the case is underway.