The first visuals of the new Parliament building are out now - showing luxurious Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha halls, fitted with modern communications tech. The interiours also show three national symbols - the lotus, the peacock and the banyan tree - as its themes. The new Parliament building is a triangular-shaped four-storey structure, with a built-up area of 64,500 sqm. The new parliament building's three main entrances will be know as - Gyan Dwar, Shakti Dwar, and Karma Dwar.


@amandwivedi48 pls embed it on top of the article

When Will New Parliament Building Start Functioning?

The new Parliament building will be inaugurated on Sunday. Prime Minister Narendra Modi - in a grand event - is scheduled to inaugurate the building. The event will see a havan in the morning. The event will be attended by twenty-five political parties, while 20 opposition parties have boycotted it.

PM Narendra Modi's Statement On New Parliament Building

Posting the video on Twitter, PM Narendra Modi also urged people to share the video with their voiceover, using the hashtag 'My Parliament My Pride'. "The new Parliament building will make every Indian proud. This video offers a glimpse of this iconic building. I have a special request -- share this video with your own voice-over, which conveys your thoughts. I will re-Tweet some of them. Don't forget to use #MyParliamentMyPride," the Prime Minister said on Twitter.

The ceremony to inaugurate the new Parliament building on Sunday will begin with an early morning havan and a multi-religion prayer followed by a formal opening in the Lok Sabha by Prime Minister Modi. As many as 25 parties are expected to attend the inauguration of the new Parliament building on Sunday even as 20 opposition parties have decided to boycott the event.