The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) on Wednesday rubbished messages circulating in media that there may be black-out of existing subscribed channels on TV screens after December 29 and clarified that there would be no disruption of TV channel services due to implementation of the new regulatory framework.


Taking cognisance of the speculations, TRAI has advised that all Broadcasters/DPOs/LCOs should ensure that any channel that a consumer is watching today is not discontinued on December 29. Hence, "there will be no disruption of TV Services due to the implementation of the new regulatory framework," informed the regulatory authority.

It has also highlighted that the new regulatory framework for Broadcasting and Cable services, notified in March 2017, was duly re-notified in the form of press release in July this year by prescribing implementation schedule.

"Accordingly, all the timelines in the (new regulatory) framework commenced from 3rd July 2018. As per the implementation schedule, all the service providers were required to complete the preparation for migration to the new framework by December 28, 2018," read the TRAI statement issued on Wednesday.

It also informed that in view of the interest of the subscribers and to enable a smooth transition, the Authority is preparing a detailed migration plan for all the existing subscribers.

"The migration plan will provide ample opportunity to each and every subscriber for making an informed choice. This will also enable service providers in carrying out the various activities as stipulated in the new regulatory framework in a time-bound manner," it further stated.