NEW DELHI: Reacting to the US' announcement recognising Jerusalem as Israel's capital, India said its position on Palestine is independent, consistent and not determined by any third country.


External Affairs Ministry spokesperson Raveesh Kumar said India's position on Palestine is shaped by its own views and interests and not determined by any third country.

"India's position on Palestine is independent and consistent. It is shaped by our views and interests, and not determined by any third country," he said responding to a query regarding India's position on recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel by the US.

President Donald Trump had yesterday recognised Jerusalem as Israel's capital, reversing decades of US and international policy on the holy city. 

Trump announced his administration would begin a process of moving the US embassy in Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, a step expected to take years and one that his predecessors opted not to take to avoid inflaming tensions.

The status of Jerusalem - home to sites holy to the Muslim, Jewish and Christian religions - is one of the biggest obstacles to reaching a peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians. 

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hailed Trump’s announcement as a “historic landmark," but other close Western allies of Washington such as Britain and France were critical.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said the United States abdicated its role as a mediator in peace efforts, and Palestinian secular and Islamist factions called for a general strike and rallies on Thursday to protest.

The international community does not recognize Israeli sovereignty over the entire city, believing its status should be resolved in negotiations. No other country has its embassy in Jerusalem. 

Trump`s decision fulfills a campaign promise and will please Republican conservatives and evangelicals who make up a sizeable portion of his domestic support.