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'Pakistan Is Not Wearing Bangles....': Farooq Abdullah Counters Rajnath Singh's PoK Remark

Farooq Abdullah counters Rajnath Singh's PoK remark and said that Pakistan is not wearing Bengals, they also have atom bombs. 

'Pakistan Is Not Wearing Bangles....': Farooq Abdullah Counters Rajnath Singh's PoK Remark

New Delhi: Defence Minister and senior BJP leader Rajnath Singh on Sunday said that India has never given up on Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK) and added that we wouldn't capture it from the source because people want to be a part of India after seeing the Development in Jammu and Kashmir. Reacting to Singh's remark, National Conference leader (NC) Farooq Abdullah said that Pakistan is not wearing Bengals, they also have atom bombs. 

Union Minister said that the demand will raised from PoK's people to merge with India after witnessing economic progress and the way peace has returned in the region. 

"I think India will not have to do anything. The way the ground situation has changed in Jammu and Kashmir, the way the region is witnessing economic progress and the way peace has returned there, I think demands will emerge from people of PoK that they should merge with India," Singh said in an Interview with PTI.

He further added that India will not capture PoK with force, "We will not have to use force to take PoK as people would say that we must be merged with India. Such demands are now coming." 

On Defence Minister Rajnath Singh's statement that 'PoK will be merged with India', JKNC Chief Farooq Abdullah says, "If the defence minister is saying it then go ahead. Who are we to stop? But remember, they (Pakistan) are also not wearing bangles. It has atom bombs, and unfortunately, that atom bomb will fall on us.

After the BJP leader asserted that India has never given up on PoK,  Farooq Abdullah said that Pakistan is not wearing Bengals they have atom bombs.

"If the defence minister is saying it then go ahead. Who are we to stop? But remember, they (Pakistan) are also not wearing bangles. It has atom bombs, and unfortunately, that atom bomb will fall on us," Abdullah said.

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