Samrath Morya, former panchayat head of Nanpur village in Alirajpur, Madhya Pradesh, made headlines by fielding his two wives in the panchayat elections. Again he is in the center of discussion. His two wives won the Panchayat elections. The third wife also wanted to stand in the panchayat elections. In fact, 35-year-old Samrath Morya wanted even his third wife to contest the polls but that would have meant she would have had to leave her job as a peon in the education department. But Samrath did not agree to risk leaving the government job. He is now busy going door to door with his wife to thank the voters. 


After the wives won the election, BJP leader Samrath said, “I am very happy.People here love me and my wives very much. It is with their blessings that my wives have become successful. I live peacefully with my three wives and we attend all the village functions together." Local sources said that Samrath is so happy with the victory of two wives that he is throwing parties in the village.

On April 30 this year, three wives Sakri, Mela and Nani got married in a ceremony at Nanpur, about 14 km from Alirajpur city. Among them, Nani is a peon in the education department. But Samrath married these three people in his childhood. He married Nani in 2003, Mela in 2008 and Sakri in 2017. But officially married in 2022. Samrath is a member of Bhilala tribe. Polygamy is still practiced in this tribe. Samrath, who has three sons and three daughters from the marriages, said he was an active BJP worker.