NEW DELHI: Former Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai on Thursday called out on Pakistan Prime Minister's bluff that there is no case against 2008 Mumbai mastermind Hafiz Saeed


“Oh! There is plenty of evidence. Everyone knows that,” said Karzai.

The former Afghan president is in New Delhi to attend the 2018 Raisina Dialogue. 

In an interview to a TV channel on Tuesday, Pakistan PM Shahid Khaqan Abbasi publicly supported Saeed, the Jamaat-ud Dawa (JuD) chief and Lashkar-e-Toiba co-founder. 

Referring to him as “Hafiz Saeed sahab (Sir)”, Abbasi said that there is no case in the country against the JuD chief. His statements were severely critised by the international community.

Saeed, a globally designated terrorist with a bounty of $10 million on his head, was released from house arrest by a Pakistan court in 2017. 

His release was met with global outcry. The United States went ahead and froze $ 255 million military aid, claiming that Pakistan is sheltering terrorists.

Reacting to Trump administration's decision to suspend the military aid, Karzai said, “They should do all they can, through political, economical and other means to bring Pakistan, their Army and Intelligence, to recognition that the use of extremism as a tool is no longer tolerated by the world.”

Former US diplomat Zalmay Khalilzad also described Abbasi's statement on Hafiz Saeed as “alarming.”

“Very alarming statement by Pakistan PM because Hafiz Saeed is a terrorist,” said Khalilzad.