New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi has invited ideas from the general public for his Independence Day speech next month.


People can send their suggestions and ideas to the special forum created on the Narendra Modi APP, his office said on Monday.

The prime minister will address the nation from the ramparts of the Red Fort on the Independence Day on August 15.

“When I address the nation from the ramparts of the Red Fort on 15th August, I am merely the medium. The voice is of 125 crore Indians,” PM Modi twitted.

“Share your ideas for the speech on 15th August, on the specially created open forum on the NM App.,” he twitted.

To download the APP on your mobile phone you need to give a missed call on 1800 20 90 920.

In order to send in your suggestions online, you need to get the download link by entering your phone number on

The prime minister has appealed to the nation to celebrate the Independence Day as the 'Sankalp Parva' or the 'Day of Resolve'.

"We should celebrate 15th August 2017 as the Sankalp Parva or the Day of Resolve. We have to take pledge to quit un-cleanliness, poverty, terrorism, casteism and communalism from India," he said in his radio address on Sunday.

He also said that he would keep his Independence Day speech short this time.

"I have planned to keep my speech short this time not more than 40-50 minutes. For the previous three 15 August speeches, one consistent complaint has been that my speeches tend to be a little lengthy," he added.