In a tragic incident that unfolded in Rajasthan, a vehicle of former Rajasthan chief minister Vasundhara Raje's carcade overturned in an attempt to avoid hitting a motorcycle in Pali district on Sunday, leaving three policemen injured, police said, as reported by news agency PTI. 


The accident occurred while Raje was on her way to meet former minister Otaram Dewasi to express her condolences over his mother's death. "Seven policemen were travelling in the car. Some of them have sustained minor injuries," Pali SP Chuna Ram Jat said, as quoted by PTI.

Raje left for Mundara village of Pali district by road. A police car that was escorting her between Bali and Kot Baliyan overturned while trying to save a bike rider. A BJP leader said that his car was behind the car that overturned thrice. He said he immediately got down and helped in sending the injured policemen to a hospital.

(With PTI Inputs)