In a shocking incident, a 20-year-old college student was allegedly gang-raped by 6 men in front of her boyfriend in Tamil Nadu's Kancheepuram on Thursday. It is believed that the accused threatened the couple at knifepoint on the outskrits of Kanchipuram and then raped the woman. Five out of the six accused have been arrested, while the police is still tracing the sixth accused.
According to sources, the couple was stopped by two drunk men at a secluded spot in Kancheepuram district. Two of the accused then attacked the man and held him hostage at knifepoint. The duo was then joined by four other men and they all took the woman to a dark area before raping her one after another.
A senior police office said, "The gang threatened the girl with a knife and took her to a dark area. They sexually assualted her one after another."
Police have registered a case of rape and sexual harassment against the six accused, out of which five have been arrested and a search is on for the sixth..
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