Ghaziabad: RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat on Sunday said those asking Muslims to leave the country cannot call themselves Hindus and those indulging in lynching people in the name of cows must know that they are against Hindutva. While attending an event organised by Muslim Rashtriya Manch in Uttar Pradesh's Ghaziabad, Bhagwat said the DNA of all Indians are the same.


He further, urged Muslims not to get "trapped in the cycle of fear" about Islam being in danger in India. However, he said that there have been some "false cases" of lynching at times that have been filed against some people. 

He allayed fears on the rise of majoritarianism in India, Bhagwat said, "If anyone says that Muslims should not stay in India, then he is not a Hindu."

Bhagwat said that neither the Sangh is in politics nor does it bother about maintaining an image. "It keeps on doing its work to strengthen the nation and for the welfare of all in the society," he said.

He insisted that this not some image makeover or vote bank politics for the RSS to woo Muslims ahead of assembly elections, he said his organisation firmly believes that in a democracy like India, the only dominance can be of Indians, rather than of Hindus or Muslims.

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