New Delhi: Two road accidents earlier this week - one each in Delhi and Uttar Pradesh - killed one and 13 children respectively. While both accidents were extremely unfortunate and BJP's Delhi unit chief Manoj Tiwari was one of many who expressed his deep sorrow at the tragedies. Twitter users, however, pointed out that he was guilty of 'selective outrage'.


Two accidents involving school children took place last Wednesday - one near north-west Delhi's Kanhaiya Nagar metro station in which one girl died after her school van rammed into a tanker, and the other in UP's Kushinagar in which a school van hit a moving train, killing 13 children.

While Tiwari - in back-to-back tweets - termed both incidents as unfortunate, he lashed out against the Aam Aadmi Party's government in Delhi.



That Tiwari did not have any message for the BJP government after the Kushinagar tragedy angered many.



Several netizens accused Tiwari of playing politics at the cost of innocent lives lost. Many even advised him to not offer condolence at all if he would give it a political twist.









Tiwari has been relentless in taking on the Delhi government. Not all his charges though have found support among people at large.