New Delhi: As Lok Sabha Polls are going across the country, the polls for 96 constituencies of 9 states and one Union Territory are scheduled to be held in Phase 4 on May 12. Uttar Pradesh has a total of 80 parliamentary constituencies, and the state is all set to contest polls for the 13 seats named Shahjahanpur, Kheri, Dhaurahra, Sitapur, Hardoi, Misrikh, Unnao, Farrukhabad, Etawah, Kannauj, Kanpur, Akbarpur, Bahraich in Phase 4. Uttar Pradesh has already voted for its 16 seats in Phase 1 Phase 2 and Phase 3.  


The states going to vote in Phase 4 are Bihar, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Odisha, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Telangana, West Bengal, and Andhra Pradesh.

The voting in these seats will be held between 7 AM to 6 PM and the counting for all the votes will take place on June 4.

Uttar Pradesh Lok Sabha Election 2024 Key Candidates And Constituencies Phase 4

Shahjahanpur: Arun Kumar Sagar (BJP-NDA) vs Rajesh Kashyap (SP-INDIA) vs Daudram Verma (BSP)

Kheri: Ajay Mishra (BJP-NDA) vs Utkarsh Verma (SP-INDIA) vs Anshay Kalra Rockyji (BSP)

Dhaurahra: Rekha Verma (BJP-NDA) vs Anand Bhadoria (SP-INDIA)

Sitapur: Rajesh Verma (BJP-NDA) vs Nakul Dubey (INC-INDIA)

Hardoi: Ja Prakash Rawat (BJP-NDA) vs Usha Verma (SP-INDIA)

Misrikh: Ashok Kumar Rawat (BJP-NDA) vs Manoj Kumar Rajvanshi (SP-INDIA)

Unnao: Sakshi Maharaj (BJP-NDA) vs Annu Tandon (SP-IDNIA) vs Ashok Kumar Pandey (BSP)

Farrukhabad: Mukesh Rajput (BJP-NDA) vs Dr Naval Kishore Shakya (SP-INDIA)

Etawah: Ram Shankar Katheria (BJP-NDA) vs Jitendra Dohare (SP-INDIA) vs Sarika Singh Baghel (BSP)

Kannauj: Subrat Pathak (BJP-NDA) vs Imran Bin Zafar (BSP)

Kanpur: Ramesh Awasthi (BJP-NDA) vs Alok Mishra (INC-INDIA) vs Kuldeep Bhadauriya (BSP)

Akbarpur: Devendra Singh (BJP-NDA) vs Raja Ram Pal (SP-INDIA) vs Rajesh Kumar Dwivedi (BSP)

Bahraich: Dr. Arvind Gond (BJP-NDA) vs Ramesh Gautam (SP-INDIA)