Prime Minister Narendra Modi slammed Congress in the Lok Sabha reminding them of the period when they turned every opportunity into a crisis. PM Modi said that the decade before 2014 will be remembered as a lost decade while the decade of 2030 will be India's decade. Replying to the debate in Lok Sabha on the motion of thanks to the President's Address, PM Modi narrated a story of a tiger and hunters to the house. 


The Prime Minister narrated the story to take a jibe at Congress and said they made laws but these were not properly implemented. "Two youths went hunting in the forest. They started walking for some time and left guns in the vehicle and a tiger appeared at that time. What did they do? They showed the licence to the tiger that they have guns. They (The opposition) also showed laws in the name of ending unemployment," he said.

Attacking Congress over scams and controversies during the party-led United Progressive Alliance government, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said opportunities were frittered away during 10 years of UPA rule and these were converted into troubles. "Mauka museebat mein," he said. PM Modi said the Indian economy was suffering between 2004 to 2014 and inflation was in double-digit for a large period. 

PM Modi also referred to electricity shortages and other paucities during the UPA rule. "When the technology period was progressing, they were stuck in 2G. Mauka Musibat Mein. In 2010, there were the Commonwealth games which was an opportunity to present Indian youth capability but again it was Mauka Musibat Mein. Coal scam came to fore. Nobody can forget the 2008 Mumbai attack. But they did not have the courage to attack terrorism because of which the terrorists' morale was boosted," the Prime Minister said.

Referring to the COVID pandemic and the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the PM said that the manner in which the country steadied itself has filled people with hope and confidence.