New Delhi: American software giant Adobe Systems Incorporated said it expects to close the gender wage gap in the US and India by the end of this year, in a bid to promote diversity and inclusion in the workforce.


At its annual Adobe & Women and Leadership Summit held in San Jose, the company announced pay parity across the US and India.

"Adobe Systems Incorporated announced it expects to close the gender wage gap in the US by the end of its fiscal year, with women paid USD 1.00 for every USD 1.00 earned by male employees," a company release said adding that "there will remain no wage gap between white and non-white employees, as previously announced last year".

In India, Adobe said female employees are currently earning 99 percent of what male employees earn and is working to close the remaining gap.

"Fair pay and equal treatment aren't just the right thing to do; they also have a significant, positive impact on the business bottom line. We will continue to push for full pay parity globally," said Donna Morris, Executive Vice President, Customer & Employee Experience, Adobe.

Adobe's US and India employee populations combined comprise 80 percent of the company's global workforce.

"We are excited to announce pay parity at Adobe India, which is aimed at abolishing the gender pay disparity in the technology industry. This is in line with our commitment towards building Adobe India as a diverse and inclusive workplace for all," said Abdul Jaleel, Vice President, People Resources, Adobe India.