A new kind of butter is being seen at coworking spaces, leaving many scratching their heads in confusion. 


But what is this butter, and why is it causing such a stir? For those active on LinkedIn it will be obvious that this is a part LinkedIn India's ‘L’appraisal Butter’ campaign. A way of injecting a dose of fun and humor into the often daunting topic of appraisals. 

On the LinkedIn_in Instagram channel you can find this butter being used in many videos by influencers like Broke Brothers, Hustle Rani and Ankit Srivastav.

But on LinkedIN there are various opinion leaders posting shots of the butter along with key advice on how to avoid using butter this appraisal season. 

In a world where serious discussions often dominate, LinkedIn India's approach is odd and ironic, but refreshing. It's a reminder that learning and growth can be enjoyable, and that a bit of humor can go a long way in fostering a positive work culture.