Is your child finding it challenging to stay seated for more than 20 minutes or remain distracted almost all the time? If so, there is a high chance your child may have ADHD. ADHD, or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, is a medical condition in which a person struggles to remain attentive, stay focused, or even sit still.


The prevalence of ADHD has been increasing each year, partly due to factors such as increased dependence on technology, screen time, distractions, and decreased physical activity.

How to Identify ADHD?

ADHD symptoms are generally noticeable in children around school age, but some children may experience them as early as age 3 or 4. Symptoms can vary from child to child, but common indicators include:

  • Inattention

Children with ADHD often struggle with inattention, which may manifest as difficulty sustaining focus on tasks or activities, frequent distractions, and careless mistakes. They may also have trouble organizing tasks, avoid tasks that require sustained effort, and show forgetfulness in their responsibilities.

  • Hyperactivity

This includes an inability to stay seated when expected and acting impulsively without considering consequences. Hyperactivity in teens may make them appear restless or uneasy, and they may have difficulty engaging in quiet activities.

  • Impulsivity

If you observe your child being impatient frequently, this may indicate hyper-impulsiveness. They might also struggle with waiting their turn, starting conversations at inappropriate times, and interrupting others often.


As a parent, it can be stressful to see your child struggling with daily activities. Therefore, it is advisable to seek treatment as early as possible. Standard treatments for ADHD in children include medications, behavior therapy, counseling, and educational services. These treatments can alleviate many symptoms of ADHD, but they do not cure it. It may take some time to determine what works best for your child.

(This article is meant for informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for advice provided by qualified medical professionals.)