Journaling is a kind of activity in which simply we write down our thoughts and feelings without any hesitation. Journaling always be a good friend who listen all our things, even the stupidest thing. Also, it helps us to cope up with stress effectively.


 Journaling is way in which we actually recognize our own emotions in a better way. When you write about your day, you can feel a pattern in your thoughts and feelings which helps you to identify the actual reason of your stress. Once you are aware with the problem, then it become easy to find the solution.

Journaling provides a secure room so that we express ourselves completely. Sometimes, it is hard to speak about your feelings to others. Writing in a journal allows you to say whatever in your heart and mind without any fear of judgement. This makes us feel calm and provides relieve from stress.

This activity also helps to organize our thoughts. When we are in a situation of stress, we are not able to decide anything; our mind can be a jumble of worries. By writing, we can sort our thoughts and see what is more important. This clarity reduces the feeling of stress and helps you to be in control.

Also, journaling can increases our positive thinking. By noting small successes and writing about things toward which you are grateful for, you can shift your focus towards positivity. This practice can boost your mood by reducing the stress.

Journaling is our that friend who solves our problems because when you write your problems, you actually understand the ways through which you can solve these problems. Basically journaling provides a sense of direction.

To cope up with stress, journaling is a best tool which you can opt. It is the safest place where we don’t have any kind of fear about judgement. In the face of journaling we can find our good listener which is really hard to find in this world. When you express completely then you can easily be able to cope up with your stress.