New Delhi: As the counting trends show BJP securing a comfortable majority, Bollywood Star Akshay Kumar extended his wishes to Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the BJP party."Heartiest congratulations Hon. Prime Minister Narendra Modi ji on the historic win. All your efforts to advance the nation and put it on the global map have been acknowledged. Wishing you an even more successful second term," Akshay tweeted.


NDA is on the verge of a landslide victory in the Lok Sabha polls. Out of 542 Lok Sabha seats which went to poll, BJP has won 103 and is leading in 199. On the other hand, Congress has bagged 26 seats and is leading in 25 constituencies.

Akshay Kumar was recently subjected to social media backlash after he did not cast vote during the fourth phase of Lok Sabha elections. After being trolled by many, Akshay Kumar, with a tweet, said he does not understand the "unwarranted interest and negativity" about his citizenship and added that he is a tax-payer in India and intends to make the country `stronger and stronger.`

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Twinkle Khanna, who recently made news after she took an apparent jibe at Prime Minister Narendra Modi`s meditation session in Kedarnath caves, congratulated BJP on its "Sweeping victory."

"Congratulations to Prime Minister Narendra Modi and BJP on their sweeping victory. Democracy must always be celebrated. Here`s to our India that I hope becomes synonymous with inclusivity, harmony and development #Election2019Results," she tweeted.

In April, the actor became the talk of the town for his exclusive `non-political interview` with Prime Minister Narendra Modi.