The NDA candidate from Kerala's Wayanad, Tushar Vellappally, on Sunday filed a complaint before CEO Kerala seeking a review of the nomination of Congress President Rahul Gandhi.


In his complaint, Vellappally has claimed that Rahul Gandhi is carrying dual passport and he is not a citizen of India."It's understood that Rahul Gandhi is having passport of a foreign country also. He didn't disclose this in the nomination filed or in the affidavit," said the NDA candidate.

Vellappally, who is the BDJS chief, also mentioned in his letter to CEO that the Returning Officer in Amethi (Uttar Pradesh) from where the Congress president is also in the fray has also raised doubts over his qualifications and citizenship and has postponed the scrutiny of his nomination papers till April 22.

Vellappally urged the EC to review the acceptance of nomination of the Congress chief and check for the validity and reject the application. He also requested the EC obtain a sworn affidavit from either Rahul or his authorized agent saying that Rahul Gandhi is an Indian citizen, Rahul Gandhi and Raul Vinci are same and he is holding only one Indian passport and no duplicate or other passports in any other name.

Here's the full text of Tushar Vellappally's letter to Kerala CEO:

Sinil Kumar G
Chief Election Agent
Thushar Vellappally (NDA Candidate Wayanad Constituency)
HPC04 Wayanad Constituency


The Returning Officer
HPC04 Wayanad Constituency
Ref: HPC04 Wayanad Constituency


Subject: Review of accepting nomination of Sri. Rahul Gandhi INC(1) candidate in Wayanad Parliament Constituency.

Dear Sir,

1. Your goodself has accepted the nomination filed by Shri. Rahul Gandhi, INC (I) candidate, who is AICC president contesting in Wayanad constituency. 
2. It is understood that Shri. Rahul Gandhi is having a passport of foreign country also. 
3. It is now learnt that the said candidate has not disclosed this fact in the nomination filed or in the affidavit. The said suppression and irregularity came to my notice only today. As I 'm living in Kerala and Shri. Rahul Gandhi, living in New Delhi, and he has purportedly to have completed his studies in foreign countries such willful omission and irregularities made by Shri. Rahul Gandhi was not known to me, in spite of my due diligence.  The moment I got the information, I'm raising questions on the validity of his candidature.
4. It is worthwhile to mention that the Returning Officer in Amethi ( Uttar Pradesh) wherein Shri Rahul Gandhi is contesting, has raised serious doubts about the qualifications and even citizenship of Shri Rahul Gandhi and postponed the scrutiny of Shri. Rahul Gandhi's nomination on multiple grounds.
5. I understand that Shri.  Rahul Gandhi is not eligible to contest in parliament election and his nomination is to be rejected on one among the following ground of my information. 
(i) He is not qualified to Article 84(a) of the Indian Constitution, as he is not a citizen of India. 
(ii) Shri. Rahul Gandhi, is understood to have been the director and secretary of a private British company named BACKOPS Limited, where has described as a British citizen in United Kingdom residential address in the 2005, 2006, and 2009 return of the company. 
(iii) There is no clarity on when he became a British citizen and whether he is an Indian citizen. 
(iv) The affidavit filed by Shri. Rahul Gandhi does not disclose about the assets and profit of the above mentioned UK Company. 
(v) It is said that Shri. Rahul Gandhi has professedly used the name RAUL VINCY in his educational certificate. There is no material available to substantiate that RAUL VINCY and Rahul Gandhi is one same person. The education qualification are also anachronic and ambiguous. 
(vi) It is "general" duty of the Returning Officer as per section 24 of the Representation of People Act, 1951,  to all such act and is necessary to effectively conduct the election the manner provided by the act, rules and order meet under. 
I request you to review the acceptance of nomination of Shri. Rahul Gandhi in Wayanad constituency to check for the validity and reject the application. It is further requested that you may kindly obtain a sworn affidavit from Shri. Rahul Gandhi or his authorized agent to the effect that:

1. Shri Rahul Gandhi is an Indian citizen
2. Rahul Gandhi and Raul Vinci are same
3. Rahul Gandhi is holding only one Indian passport and no duplicate or other passports in any other name.
I am enclosing a copy of the objections raised in Amethi against Sri Rahul Gandhi. Kindly give me some time to file the annexures also. 
In view of above complications and objections of Constitutional nature, to conduct elections in a free and fare manner, I earnestly request you to kindly postpone election of this constituency at least for a fortnight failing which serious prejudice may be caused to all other candidates. 

Place: Yours Faithfully