Agartala: Kicking off Bharatiya Janata Party's (BJP's) election campaign in poll-bound Tripura, party president Amit Shah launched a scathing attack on Manik Sarkar-led ruling Left Front.


“I would like to tell the Manik government that BJP will not be cowed down by violence. The more you spread the mud of violence, the better will the Lotus blossom,” said Shah to a large gathering in Agartala.

Raking up the stats on unemployment, Shah said, “More than 7 Lakh people, out of the 37 Lakh population of Tripura, are registered under unemployment list. The health facilities here are inadequate. This is what was done here in 25 years.”

"Those in the CPI(M) say, (Tripura) Chief Minister Manik Sarkar is a good man. We know that the unemployment problem is acute here, but they say Manik babu is a good man. What I want to know is, if he is good, why is the condition of the people of the state not so good," he said.

Shah also claimed that the Left Front government is not changed, Manipur will be reduced to a backward state in terms of protection of women, unemployment and economic development of the poor and the working class.

Asserting that BJP will form the next government in the state, Shah added, “The countdown has begun. Even if the corrupt goes underground, BJP will dig the earth and bring them out.”

The Left Front government in Tripura has four parties in coalition – the Communist Party of India (Marxist), Communist Party of India, Revolutionary Socialist Party and the All India Forward Bloc. The CPI(M) is the dominant party in the coalition.

Shah is on a two-day visit to Tripura, where the Assembly polls are due in the early months of 2018. The term of the current House is scheduled to come to an end on March 6, 2018.