MUMBAI: At least 26 children fell sick on Wednesday evening after consuming biryani in Diwan Shah Madrasa in Roshan Bagh area of Thane district.


Five children are reportedly critical and have been referred to a Mumbai hospital.

“26 children were brought here. They were showing symptoms of food poisoning after they had consumed Biryani. 5 were very critical so we referred them to Mumbai,” said Anil Throta, a doctor at Bhiwandi hospital.


According to Bhiwandi Collector Shashikant Gaikwad said the 26 boys – aged 12 to 15 – were served biryani at a feast organised at the Diwan Shah Madrassa on Wednesday afternoon. 

After consuming it, the children complained of vomiting, nausea, stomach ache and giddiness.

With agency inputs