Patna: Former Bihar minister and BJP MP Giriraj Singh on Sunday backed RSS' stand on population control.


“I believe population control is very important for development of any nation,” he said, as per ANI.

With the latest census data showing rise in Muslim populace, RSS yesterday had sought re-formulation of the country's population policy, contending that there is a "problem of demographic imbalance" and "uneven" child ratio across the religions which needed to be addressed.

The RSS, which deliberated upon the population issue at a meeting in Ranchi and passed a resolution, said the religion data of Census 2011 highlighted the necessity of the review of population policy which was formulated in 2000.

Briefing the media on the deliberations, RSS Sah-Sarakaryavah (joint secretary) Krishna Gopal had said the resolution urged the Centre to re-formulate the National Population Policy keeping in view the availability of resources in the country, future needs and the "problem of demographic imbalance", as per PTI.

Also Read: RSS seeks review of country's population policy after census figures show rise in Muslim population

The Census 2011 had showed that the Muslim community has registered 0.8 per cent growth to touch 17.22 crore in the 10 years between 2001 and 2011, up from 13.8 crore, while the population of Hindus showed a decline by 0.7 per cent at 96.63 crore during the period.

Quoting the RSS resolution, Gopal had said although India was one of the early countries in the world to announce as early as 1952 that it will have population planning measures, it was only in 2000 that a comprehensive population policy was formulated and a population commission was formed.

The policy, he had added, aimed at achieving a stable but healthy population by 2045 by optimising the fertility rate to the ideal figure of 2.1 total fertility rate (TFR) and it was expected that it would be applied uniformly to all sections of the society as this aim was in accordance with the national resources and expected future requirements.

(With Agency inputs)