Delhi: A 17-year-old girl was sexually assaulted while her 10-year-old cousin was killed by their neighbour in the basement of a building in northwest Delhi, media reports said on Sunday.


The attack happened at their rented room on Saturday in the Swarup Nagar area. The suspect involved in the crime is absconding.

The incident was reported around 7 am on Saturday after the landlady made a PCR call. The parents were away when the crime took place.

"The victim's grandfather had died a few days ago and the parents had gone their to perform remaining rituals," a report quoted a police officer as saying.

At the time of the attack, the girl and her cousin brother were sleeping with another cousin of theirs. The accused, identified as Rahul, killed one of the cousins when he tried to resist his attempts to assault the girl.

The landlady claimed that she came to know about the incident when the girl's brother told her about her sister.

Meanwhile, police have formed several teams to nab the culprit. The girl was taken to a hospital for treatment.