Your children are unique so they require an exceptional approach. Interact with Meera Isaacs, Principal, Cathedral and John Conon School, regarding academic issues. Grow as veteran educationist develops nurturing relationship with our readers.
Q1. We have recently moved to Mumbai from Delhi. My daughter is in class 10 and son in class 6. We are finding it difficult to get admission mid-term. I am worried especially for my daughter, as Xth is a crucial year. How do we go about it? Any board would do, CBSE or ICSE.
- Rupa Jain, Malad

Ans 1. I understand your anxiety as Std X is a crucial year for your daughter. Admission in a good school in Mumbai is always difficult and in mid-year even more so!
Since your daughter is looking at admission in Class X, it must be in the same Board that she has studied so far. You have not mentioned whether it is CBSE or ICSE. Your son has more options.
Please go to the following sites:
Both sites will give you a list of the schools in Mumbai with addresses, phone numbers and other details. You will then have to follow the application route. Q2. I have a 6-year-old autistic child. I am keen on getting him admitted to a school, but none of the normal or even special schools are willing to consider his case. Could you please recommend schools/ organisations which can take this cause up? It`ll be a huge help for others special kids as well?
-Aslam Barfiwala, Jogeshwari

Ans 2. Most mainstream schools are not equipped to deal with children with special needs. The people/organisations that you could contact are:
1. MDA – Maharashtra Dyslexia Association
Director – Kate Currawala

2. The City Academy for Special Education at Haji Ali
Principal – Priya Deshpande – 9821387362


3. The Gateway School of Mumbai at Chembur
Principal - Saimack Zahedi – Tel.022-65223331

Q3. My daughter is in class X and is a certified learning disabled student. Her school has suggested that we go for special curriculum meant for children with learning disability. However, neither the school nor our research has taken us any forward. Please help!
- Joe Saldanha, Bangalore

Ans 3. I suggest that you explore the NIOS, i.e. The National Institute of Open Schooling. You will get more information, i.e. registration, course description, results of previous years on
NIOS is tailored to meet the needs of your daughter. She can take her examinations at her own pace and comfort level. Q4. My son is in class 4 and is not able to cope with Maths and is keen on pursuing sports activities. We faced the same issue last year as well. How do I get him interested in the subject enough to get good grades?
- Rita Sinha, Jaipur

Ans 4. Your son is only in Class 4. Do not stress yourself and him by pitting his love for sports against his poor performance in Maths. Let him follow his heart but make Maths more interesting for him so that he will be motivated to explore the subject.
You need to search “Google” for Maths for Grade 4.
Listed below are a number of websites that both of you will find useful and fun. More importantly, do not nag. It is guaranteed to put him off Maths forever!

Q5. My class XII daughter is keen to learn foreign languages. Till some time back French and Mandarin were popular. Do you suggest any other languages that a student may take up from a career perspective?
- Shubra Roy, Pune

Ans 5. At an IB Conference that I recently attended, it was emphasised that Hindi and Mandarin are the languages of the future. However, since your daughter’s interest is in studying a European language other than French, I would suggest German as it is the root language for many others.
It will be useful in International Relations, Political Science, Trading in European countries in a host of areas, e.g. furnishings, building and electronic equipment, engineering, the motor industry, science and technology, medicine and research in general.
(Meera Isaacs has been an educationist for over 35 years. Currently the Principal at The Cathedral and John Conon School, Mumbai, Issacs is the winner of the National Award for Teachers. Write to her at