Bratislava: Justice Ministers from European Union (EU) member states cautioned against growing radicalisation in Europe here on Tuesday.


"The problems that present-day Europe has are not only economic or security ones. The inclination of a portion of the population towards anti-system and extremist groups, as a result of many processes where each and every one plays a certain role, is also a problem," Xinhua news agency quoted Slovak Justice Minister Lucia Zitnanska, who chaired the panel discussion of EU Justice Ministers, as saying.

The delegations from 27 EU member states participating in the conference adopted a joint statement in which they stressed their determination to protect democracy, the rule of law and human rights.

Aware of the reasons leading to growing radicalisation, they agreed that society should stay alert to the intrusion of extremist tendencies and attitudes into politics, which may threaten Europe`s democracies and the rule of law.

"It is very important to talk about these issues and try to find a solution so that the situation of the past century, when external and internal factors led to the creation of totalitarian regimes with the more or less tacit consent of the democratic majority, will not be repeated," stressed Zitnanska.