Chandigarh: With a view to identify health benefits of A2 against A1 milk proteins, Panjab University has joined hands with National Bureau of Animal Genetic Resources (NBAGR) and National Dairy Research Institute (NDRI), Karnal to conduct a research, said to be "one of the first of its kind".


"The project is one of the first that would identify different beta casein gene variants across Indian native, exotic and crossbred cattle populations," an official spokesman of Panjab University said.

An amount of Rs 2.7 crore has been sanctioned under the National Agricultural Science Fund (NASF) of Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi to conduct this study, the official said.

Cow milk provides an important source of nutrients including proteins, carbohydrates and essential minerals and vitamins.

Among the major proteins present in milk, beta casein has many variants. Out of these A1 or A2 variants are the most common, he informed.

It is believed that A1 milk is harmful compared to A2 milk. However, to date there has not been enough evidence to support it, he said.

In addition, association of intake of A1 or A2 milk with various health conditions (diabetes, chronic heart disease, gastro-intestinal and neurological or immunological disorders) would be investigated, the spokesman added.