Zee Media Bureau/Udita Madan


New Delhi: People complaining of sleeplessness or problems related to their sleep cycle are not unheard of.

Stress, anxiety, nervousness, insomnia, etc., can all result in you experiencing sleep deprivation and/or lack of proper sleep.

Tossing and turning, trying to find a comfortable position to sleep in, you've tried it all, but in vain.

However, we came across a new concoction that swears to rid you of your sleeping woes – Banana tea!

Sounds weird, doesn't it? Especially knowing as how a fair number of people don't like the flavour of banana much. But, it's always better to have a solution than suffer and be restless the entire day, right?

Also, it's so simple to make! Check out the recipe below:


1. Banana

2. Water

3. Dash of cinnamon (if desired)

How to make:

Take a fresh banana and cut off a little bit from both sides. Do not peel. Put the banana in a pot of a cup or two of water and bring to boil.

Once boiled, drain the water in a mug with the help of a sieve and drink it hot! For better effect, you can eat the boiled banana along with the peel.

Drink the tea right before you go to bed.

It sounds even stranger, now, we know. Many of you are probably shuddering at the thought of eating a boiled banana, but if it guarantees a good and improved sleep cycle, then why not?

You might be wondering how it happens, though. Well, the explanation lies in the peel of a banana. A banana peel contains a large amount of magnesium, which is known as a calming and relaxing agent. Do try this out!

Sweet dreams!