Zee Media Bureau


New Delhi: We all 'cry', whether we love it or hate it. Crying is a natural emotional response to certain feelings. Scientifically, crying can be defined as the shedding of tears in response to an emotional state.

When it comes to crying habits, women tend to cry more than men do. Also, people with a history of trauma have been found to cry more. It may be noted that too many tears can make observers uncomfortable, but never crying may not be mentally healthy.

Surprisingly, crying has health benefits. Crying helps you flush out toxins from your body. A good cry can help you deal with stress and feel better. Crying is also good for your eye as tears (made by the lacrimal gland) can actually clear up our vision by lubricating the eyeballs and eyelids. 

Although, there may be specific theories behind this habit, here are some common reasons why we shed tears:

  • We feel like crying or cry when we are alone and away from loved ones. Loneliness is one of many reasons that people cry.
  • There is nothing like losing someone close to us, especially the death of someone we love is one of the most intense emotional experiences any of us will face.
  • We cry when we fall in love and fall out of love too as tears are a signal that others can see.
  • We cry when we are scared, hurt and happy.
  • Crying is more than a symptom of sadness, it’s also triggered by a range of feelings from empathy and surprise to anger and grief.