New Delhi: President Pranab Mukherjee on Wednesday greeted the Iraq government and its people on the eve of its National Day, while extending India's support to the country for putting up a resolute fight against the terrorist organisation ISIS.


"India strongly supports the Iraqi people and the Government in your efforts against terrorism, in upholding national sovereignty and preserving your territorial integrity," he said in his message to President of Iraq, Fuad Masum.

Mukherjee said close and friendly bilateral relations between the two countries are deeply rooted in ancient trade and cultural links and people-to-people contacts.

The President said India greatly values mutually beneficial bilateral ties and is confident that with strong commitment and endeavours, these will strengthen and broaden further in the years to come.

"On behalf of the Government, the people of India and on my own behalf, it is with immense pleasure that I extend warm greetings and felicitations to Your Excellency and to the friendly people of the Republic of Iraq on the occasion of your National Day," he said.

On the occasion of eve of the National Day of France, the President sent warm greetings and felicitations to President Francois Hollande and the French people.

"It is a matter of satisfaction that the bilateral relations between the two countries and our strategic partnership have gained fresh momentum since your fruitful recent State Visit to India. I am confident that our close collaboration across a wide range of areas of mutual interest will continue to grow from strength to strength in the coming years," Mukherjee said in his message.