Lucknow: Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh on Tuesday said the Land Boundary Agreement between India and Bangladesh would help check infiltration from across the border.


"Infiltration from Bangladesh must stop. The Land Boundary Agreement, which was hanging in balance for 41 years... Our Prime Minister has succeeded in getting it done," Singh told reporters here.

Removing a major irritant in Indo-Bangla ties, the historic deal was signed during Prime Minister Narendra Modi's recent visit to Dhaka, paving the way for operationalisation of the 1974 pact, under which 161 enclaves under the control of either countries will be exchanged.

Singh said with this agreement, there would be more vigilance on the border and wherever required, fencing would be done and border outposts set up.

On the issue of Left Wing Extremism, the minister said Maoists should shun violence as it was not good in a healthy democracy.