Attari: The Mahant of Shri Panch Mukhi Hanuman Mandir in Pakistan's Karachi city has reportedly arrived in India with the ashes of 160 Hindus who had wished them to be immersed in Ganga at Haridwar, a media report said.


According to the Times of India, mahant Ramnath Mishra, along with his 14 -year-old nephew Kabir Kumar, arrived at the Attari border on Thursday.

The report added that earlier they were denied entry into India for want of some formalities by the Pakistan customs department.

In 2011, the mahant had reportedly brought 135 urns filled with ashes of Hindu residents of Karachi to immerse them in the Ganga.

TOI reported that he is also the president of Hindu Cremation Ground Association, besides being a co-ordinator of Inter-Religious Peace Alliance.

Although ten people had applied for visas, only he and his nephew were granted, the report said.

"There are 40 more urns in the temple which couldn't be brought, as the relatives of some of them wanted to come to India with them," he added.

The Hindus of Pakistan either preserve the ashes of their dead ones in temples, or make a 'samadhi' in their house, and in many cases, the ashes were immersed in sea water, TOI reported.