New Delhi: Shortly after Congress president Sonia Gandhi and vice president Rahul Gandhi appeared in front of the Judge in Patiala House Court, BJP leader Subramanian Swamy, who was present during the hearing, revealed some of the courtroom scene.


In a startling revelation, Swamy, who had filed the private complaint against the Gandhis in the National Herald case, said, “When Sonia and Rahul Gandhi came they were made to stand in a corner where the accused are supposed to be, they were not allowed to sit,” as per ANI.

“Both the trial court and high court have rejected the notion that it is a case of personal malice against the Gandhis. In fact, the whole country is happy that I brought them to court. The Gandhis have not been exonerated. This is a victory for democracy,” Swamy told media outside the court premises.

Even though the court granted bail to the mother-son duo minutes after there appearance inside the courtroom, Swamy was confidant that he will win the case next year.

“I will win this case in 2016. Sonia Gandhi, Rahul Gandhi and others will be sent to prison. It is an open and shut case based on documents and not witnesses,” he added.


However, Kapil Sibal, who appeared on behalf of the Congress leaders, told reporters that the court rejected Swamy's plea to impose restrictions on the travel abroad of Congress leaders.

Shortly after returning from the court, both the Gandhis accused PM Modi of seeking to bend his opponents and said they were not afraid and will fight back. The BJP hit back, terming the Congress as closely linked with "corruption."


Swamy had filed the case in 2012 as a private citizen accusing Sonia, Rahul and the others — Motilal Vora, Oscar Fernandes, Suman Dubey and Sam Pitroda — of cheating and misappropriation of funds in acquiring the ownership of now-defunct daily, National Herald.