New York: United Nations Secretary General Ban ki-Moon called on Prime Minister Narendra Modi here today.


"Discussing development @UN. @secgen Ban Ki Moon calls on PM @narendramodi before he speaks at UN SDG Summit," tweeted Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) official spokesperson Vikas Swarup.

During the meeting, Prime Minister Modi presented a book on India and the UN to Ban ki-Moon.

"Recording the nation's bond to @UN. PM @narendramodi presents a book on India & the UN to @secgen Ban Ki-Moon," Swarup added.

Prime Minister Modi would later in the day speak at the UN Summit for the adoption of the Post-2015 sustainable development agenda.

Egypt's President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi would also call on the Prime Minister today.

Prime Minister Modi would also meet his Bhutanese counterpart Tshering Tobgay and Sri Lankan President Maithripala Sirisena.