Zee Media Bureau/Deepak Nagpal Mumbai: Just hours after Maharashtra Aam Aadmi Party leaders Anjali Damania and Preeti Sharma-Menon announced that they were quitting the party, the duo appeared to be back in the party fold. AAP leader Mayank Gandhi took to Twitter to announce that Anjali and Preeti had withdrawn their resignations. News agency ANI also reported that Anjali Damania has withdrawn her resignation from AAP and will take part in the party`s executive meet tomorrow in Delhi. Earlier in the day, AAP state convenor Anjali Damania and state secretary Preeti Sharma-Menon had sent their resignations to the party. "Dear colleagues, with a heavy heart, I am ending my association with AAP," Damania had said in her resignation message to the party leadership. "My greatest regards for Arvind (Kejriwal), who is like an elder brother. All I want to request is that please do not have any conspiracy theories over my exit," she had added. A crusader against corruption in high places, Damania had said that she had nothing more to add except that she cared a lot for AAP and expressed her best wishes for it. Mayank Gandhi`s office in Mumbai had confirmed that the duo had sent in their resignations. In the 2014 Lok Sabha elections, the AAP put up candidates in all the 48 Lok Sabha seats in the state, but the party was wiped out. Many of its prominent and high-profile candidates like Damania, who contested against Bharatiya Janata Party`s former president Nitin Gadkari in Nagpur, Gandhi, Medha Patkar and Vijay Pandhare, among others, lost. Both Damania and Sharma-Menon were believed to be upset over certain organisation issues and internal party mechanisms which prevented them from concentrating adequately on important social and electoral issues. (With agency inputs)