New Delhi: As BJP Prime Ministerial candidate Narendra Modi reaches out to Muslims through a business conclave for them in Gujarat, Congress on Friday said if he is really keen on taking everyone along, then he should severe ties with RSS. Rubbishing BJP`s attempts to woo Muslim community, Law Minister Kapil Sibal said BJP seemingly has "one face for the elections while there are various other faces working behind the scene."
"If they want to take everyone along, then they should change their policies. Modi should say he has no links with RSS," Sibal told reporters. Modi inaugurated a three-day business conclave in Ahmedabad today, to provide a platform for Muslim entrepreneurs to network with their Hindu counterparts.
To buttress its points that "BJP has many faces" Sibal cited the controversial interview of Swami Aseemanand, an accused in the Samjhauta Express and other blast cases, in which he claimed that the RSS had "sanctioned" the terror acts.