Zee Media Bureau


Apple's decision to terminate 'QuickTime7 for Windows' came after US government warned its Windows users to drop their QuickTime video player as soon as possible due to security threats.

On its official website, the tech giant posted list of instructions for uninstalling the software.

According to the repots of Wall Street Journal, last week researchers developed two security loopholes that could provide a gateway for cyber threats.

Apple's winding up action for QuickTime 7 for Windows began in 2013 when it stopped offering tools to third party developers. It's last update came in August 2013 and in January 2014, Apple terminated QuickTime browser plugins for Window PC's so that browsers could no longer use QuickTime to play Web audio or video.

Now, MS Windows users will no longer receive security updates for the software but this will not be the case for QuicKTime on Mac OSX.

The exact reason for this sudden withdrawal is still unknown. United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US-CERT) warned users that this abandoned software is highly vulnerable to cyber security risks.

Those who are still using QuickTime7 for Windows, Apple has an alternative in iTunes, which can play back all the same video and audio files as QuickTime does.

(With WSJ inputs)