Geneva: Geneva was put on alert on Thursday after the reports about the presence of Paris attack suspects in the region. The level of vigilance in the city has been raised and more police have been put on the streets.


A spokesman at the United Nations complex in Geneva confirmed that UN security staff at entry points were armed with heavier equipment than normal.

According to a CNN report, the police were looking for people suspected to be a part of Mourad Fares' group. 

Fares, a French national, is said to be the recruiter of Foued Mohamed-Aggad, the third attacker at the Bataclan theater in Paris.

Based on some intercepts of communication between the suspects, US has warned Switzerland about the presence of four individuals in Geneva who are planning attacks in US and Switzerland.

These suspects are believed to have returned from Syria after training with ISIS and are planning to launch attacks on cities like Chicago and Toronto. 

US has also warned Switzerland about the presence of Salah Abdeslam, a suspect in Paris attack, in their country.