Washington: Indian-American Neera Tanden has been appointed by the Democratic party to a panel that would draft its policy agenda for the November presidential election.
Tanden, 45, a long-time associate of Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton, is being touted as a potential cabinet member if Clinton is elected as the US president in the November general elections.


Tanden is currently the CEO of the Center for American Progress, a top US think-tank.

The Drafting Committee is responsible for developing and managing the process through which the Democratic party's National Platform is established. Tanden is the only Indian- American in this committee of 15 members.

The platform committee would draft the party's policy agenda which is akin to election manifesto in India.

Tanden was the policy director for Clinton's campaign in 2008. She was a key protagonist in developing President Barack Obama's healthcare reform proposals - the Affordable Care Act - during her tenure in the Obama administration.

"We are delighted to bring together this talented group of Democrats. These individuals represent some of the best progressive thinking from across the nation. I am confident that the members of this committee will engage Americans in a substantive dialogue of ideas and solutions that will inform our Party Platform," Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultzshe said.

Congressman Elijah Cummings has been appointed as chair of the drafting committee.