Sydney: Pictures of Australian teenage, who had joined ISIS and blew himself up in Iraq, were found on a terrorist's mobile, reports claimed.


According to a Mirror report, in the pictures 18-year-old Abu Abdullah al-Australi aka 'Jihadi Jake' or 'Jake Bilardi' is seen posing with an AK-47 along with other militants with the ISIS black flag in the backdrop.

Bilardi had carried out a suicide attack on the Iraqi city of Ramadi in March.

Jake had converted to Islam in 2012 and later got influenced by ISIS ideology.

As per Australian media, Bilardi had left improvised explosive devices at his house before going to Syria.

In a blog called From Melbourne to Ramadi: My Journey - the former maths genius wrote: "I was growing tired of the corruption and filthiness of Australian society and yearned to live under the Islamic State with the Muslims,” Mirror quoted the excerpt.