Damascus: The Syrian Army said that a planned humanitarian truce beginning in eastern Aleppo on Thursday would extend to three days, the state news agency SANA reported, hours after Russia said it would last a mere 11 hours.


The truce in rebel-held eastern districts of Aleppo city will take place on "20, 21 and 22 October, from 8:00 am (0500 GMT) till 16:00 pm (1300 GMT)," the Army announced in a statement late Wednesday, according to SANA.

The Army called on "the armed men in the eastern districts of Aleppo to leave their weapons".

The statement came hours after Russia said it was extending a planned eight-hour truce in Aleppo to 11 hours, to allow civilians and rebels to leave the area.

Moscow announced on Tuesday morning that Russian and Syrian air forces had stopped bombing Aleppo ahead of the pause in fighting, and the halt held into a second day on Wednesday.

According to Moscow, once the pause begins, six corridors out of the city will open for civilians with another two designated for rebels.