London: British Prime Minister David Cameron and French President Francois Hollande agreed that a political process in Syria must be revived, a source close to the French president said on Tuesday.


At a meeting at Cameron`s country residence, Chequers, the two leaders "expressed agreement on the need to revitalise the political process" in Syria, according to a source in Hollande`s entourage.

"An important step was taken today," the French source said, with the two exchanging "points of view on Syria and Libya in particular."

Instability in Libya and a devastating war in Syria have been blamed for helping fuel the worst refugee crisis since World War II.

On Tuesday, European Union countries agreed to accept 120,000 refugees between them despite fierce opposition from central and eastern European countries.

Cameron and Hollande agreed that work should continue at an EU summit on Wednesday, dedicated to finding ways to help countries to stop the flow of asylum seekers at source.

In a statement, Cameron`s office said that the two had agreed "that EU countries should do more to return migrants who don`t have a genuine claim to asylum to their countries of origin".

Talks between the two are due to continue over dinner, including on issues such as Russia and Ukraine, the source said.