Qalandia: Israeli police shot dead two Palestinians at a checkpoint between east Jerusalem and the West Bank on Wednesday after one of them threw a knife at them, a spokeswoman said.


"Officers and border policemen at the Qalandia checkpoint saw male and female (Palestinians) walking towards the passage for cars only, with the woman's hand concealed in a purse and the man`s hand behind his back holding something," spokeswoman Luba Samri said.

"Police ordered them to stop a number of times without success.

"The female terrorist stopped a short distance from the officers, then walked the other way with the man, when she suddenly turned around to face the officers again, pulled a knife that was in her purse and threw it at an officer near her," she said.

A second knife identical to the woman`s was found in the man`s belt, she said, in addition to a butterfly knife.

No Israelis were wounded.

The Palestinian health ministry identified the woman as Maram Abu Ismail, 23, from the nearby West Bank village of Beit Surik, and her brother, Ibrahim Saleh Taha, 16.

Alaa, a witness who works near the checkpoint, told AFP: "Policemen shouted at them to go back and they seemed not to know what to do any more.

"They shot the girl first and then the man looked like he didn't know what to do. He tried to go back but they shot him too."

Following the shootings, soldiers threw tear-gas canisters to disperse the crowds at the heavily fortified checkpoint on the northern outskirts of Jerusalem.

The incident is the latest in a wave of violence that has killed 203 Palestinians and 28 Israelis since last October.

Most of the Palestinians killed were carrying out knife, gun or car-ramming attacks, Israeli authorities say.