New Delhi: The central government on Tuesday approved Rs 131.90-crore assistance to the flood-hit Arunachal Pradesh and Nagaland.


The government approved Rs 103.30 crore central assistance for Arunachal Pradesh and Rs 28.60 crore for Nagaland at a high-level meeting here, chaired by Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh.

"The central assistance to the states of Arunachal Pradesh and Nagaland was approved in the wake of flash flood and landslides of 2016-17," a Home Ministry statement said.

In respect of Rs 103.30-crore central assistance approved to Arunachal Pradesh, Rs 81.69 crore will be given by the National Disaster Relief Fund (NDRF) and Rs 21.61 crore from the National Rural Drinking Water Programme (NRDWP). 

Of the Rs 28.60 crore approved for Nagaland, Rs 25.89 crore will be provided by the NDRF and Rs 2.71 crore from the NRDWP funds. 

Union Minister for Finance Arun Jaitley, Minister for Agriculture and Farmers` Welfare Radha Mohan Singh, Union Home Secretary Rajiv Mehrishi and other senior officers of the ministries of Home, Finance and Agriculture attended the meeting.