Prime Minister Narendra Modi met Indian chess woman grandmaster Koneru Humpy and her family lavished praise on the "sporting icon" for being a source of inspiration for the aspiring young players in the country. The FIDE Women's World Rapid Champion took to X on Friday and shared a visual of her meeting with PM Modi with her family. Koneru called it an "incredible honor" and "once-in-a-lifetime privilege" that filled her with inspiration and encouragement.


"It was an incredible honor and a once-in-a-lifetime privilege to meet our esteemed Prime Minister, Shri @narendramodi ji, alongside my family. The experience was truly unforgettable filled with inspiration and encouragement. Thank you, sir, for this remarkable moment!" Koneru wrote on X. PM Modi reflected on his meeting with the Indian chess icon and praised her for bringing immense pride to India.

"Glad to have met Koneru Humpy and her family. She is a sporting icon and a source of inspiration for aspiring players. Her sharp intellect and unwavering determination are clearly visible. She has not only brought immense pride to India but has also redefined what excellence is," he wrote on X.

Last week, Koneru won her second world rapid title. It was the fourth time she finished in the top three of the event. Previously, the Indian chess player won the title back in 2019. Koneru sealed the title after finishing with a score of 8.5/11 in the final round of the tournament. The Indian chess player achieved the milestone of becoming the second player to win multiple women's world rapid titles after China's Ju Wenjun.

Back in 2023, Humpy came second at the FIDE World Rapid Championship. In 2012, she secured second place at the tournament. Koneru came into the final round of the tournament with a joint lead alongside her compatriot, Harika Dronavalli. In the final round, Koneru took on Sukandar, while, Harika locked horns against China's Tan Zhongyi. Harika ended her final round with a draw. Meanwhile, Koneru displayed a stunning performance and clinched the win.