Chennai: Nayanthara, popularly know as 'Lady Superstar' in the South, has joined Instagram, much to the surprise of netizens. It happened moments before the 'Jawan' trailer set the Net on fire. Making her Instagram debut on August 31, Nayanthara's very first clip was a reel she posted, showcasing her twin sons Uyir and Ulag and within the span of an hour she ended up gaining 239,000 followers.


Holding her twin sons, Nayanthara walked oozing style and swag, donning stylish glasses, wearing white shirt and pants, with the 'Jailer' song Alappara's instrumental version, which was composed by Anirudh Ravichander, playing in the background. She captioned the post 'Jawan' style: "Naan vandhutaen nu sollu ... (Tell them I've arrived).

This is also the first time she revealed the faces of her children. Before this, she had shown her children, but only from the back when she was celebrating Onam with her husband, director Vignesh Shivan, with whom she shares the children with.

Of course, Vignesh Shivan was not going to miss out on the action and was the first one to comment, writing: "My uyris (heart emojis) welcome to IG." Other netizens also flooded the comment section, with Tamil actress Aranthangi Nishi and Malaysian Tamil actress Moon Nila welcoming Nayathara to Instagram.

Before her Insta entry, the actress was seen celebrating Onam with her husband and then took all of social media by fire with her performance in the 'Jawan’ song 'Not Ramaiya Vastavaiya', where she lit up the dance floor with Shah Rukh Khan. Nayanthara has largely refused to be a part of social media as she is in general a very private person, and prefers to maintain things that way.
But 'Jawan' may just change all that. The actress plays the role of a black ops agent in the film with some connection to the SRK character. Directed by Atlee, 'Jawan' will hit the theatres on September 7 in Hindi, Tamil and Telugu. 'Lady Superstar' Nayanthara makes Insta debut ahead of 'Jawan' release.